ESL - Best Practices Online


Language is more that just a group of words.
It is an expression of self in a culture.


  1. Introductions

  2. ESL skills - In order to communicate effectively through a new language, it is helpful to practice different aspects of the language:

    1. Meaningful grammar/spelling/vocabulary in speaking and writing
    2. Effective pronunciation and intonation
    3. Wide context
    4. Cultural appropriateness
    5. Body expression
    6. Appropriate dress and behavior
    7. Humor
  3. Multiple Intelligences (9 Intelligences) (10m on each)

 (Lesson Plan Objectives and Assessments in Student Terms)


1.  Logical-mathematical intelligence ("number/reasoning smart")

  • Einstein

  • Pascal

  • Galileo

  • Archimedes

  • Copernicus

  • Sir Isaac Newton


·        Scientific reasoning and thinking skills that are dominated by inductive reasoning techniques such as finding patterns, identifying abstract concepts, searching for relationships and connections, classifying, categorizing, sequencing and outlining. 

·        Solving problems with logic, calculating math problems quickly, and preference for seeing things categorized in a logical sense of order. 

·        Sensitivity to logical patterns and relationships, statements and propositions, functions, and other abstractions. - Save money into your bank by figuring out the correct change

Reasoning – Dog Show


If there are 196 legs and 126 eyes at the dog show, how many people and how many dogs are present? (All the people and all the dogs at the show have the normal number of eyes and legs.)


There are 28 people and 35 dogs.

First, since dogs and people both have 2 eyes, divide 126 by 2. There are 63 at the dog show. You know that dogs have two more legs than humans. There are 70 more legs than eyes. Half of 70 is 35. Subtract 63-35=28. So there could be 35 dogs and 28 people. (or 28 dogs and 35 people) To check if there are 35 dogs, multiply 4x35=140 then add 28x2=56 for the number of human legs. 140+56=196. 





B --


I --


2.  Spatial intelligence ("picture smart")

  • Georgia O'Keeffe
  • Frank Lloyd Wright
  • Pablo Picasso
  • Michelangelo
  • Van Gogh
  • Walt Disney
  • Mary Cassatt
  • Frank Lloyd Wright
  • M. Pei
  • Claude Monet
  • Salvador Dali


·        The ability to visualize an image or idea and to create mental pictures.  Color plays an important role in this intelligence.  

·        Enjoyment of drawing, painting, sculpting, working jigsaw puzzles and mazes, using maps, and preference for videos and pictures to words.  

·        Sensitivity to color, line, shape, form, space, and the relationships between these elements.

·        Sensitivity to the balance, composition, and tension that characterize visual/spatial displays.

·        The ability to mentally manipulate or rotate perceived objects or forms.

·        The ability to produce or create a graphic likeness of perceived objects or forms


ACTIVITITES  - PDF files with handouts – Have students illustrate or make a collage for the lesson. $ videos

3.  Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence ("body smart")

  • Tiger Wood

  • Michael Jordan

  • David Copperfield

  • Marcel Marceau

  • Harry Houdini


·        Reliance on learning by doing—moving and manipulating objects, bodily movements, competitive and collaborative sports and movement games, drama and role-playing, inventing or building a model or design.  

·        Enjoyment of physical activity through drama, gesturing, dance, and hands-on learning activities.  

·        Specific physical skills such as coordination, balance, dexterity, strength, flexibility, and speed. 

·        Best learning through games, movement, and building.

·        The capacity to use their body or parts of their body to make something, do something, or put on a production

·        Skills in one or more  sports or movements.

*       Ability to take things apart and put them back together.



Sound Bingo


Fidget Tools

Map drawing - directions

4.  Musical intelligence ("music smart")

  • Leonard Bernstein
  • Mozart
  • Duke Ellington
  • Bach
  • Beethoven
  • George Gershwin
  • John Lennon
  • Stevie Wonder


·        A keen sensitivity to music, sounds,  tonal patterns, or the human voice.

·        Beating out rhythms, enjoyment of singing and playing musical instruments and frequently listens to music while studying.

·        Sensitivity to rhythm, pitch, melody, timbre, or tone of a musical piece.

·        The capacity to think in music, hear patterns, and perhaps manipulate patterns.

·        The capacity to perceive (appreciate), discriminate (criticize), transform (compose), express (perform



JAZZ CHANTS - list of Carolyhn Graham's chants

Beating sentences

Intonation patterns

Popular songs
Music backgrounds

5.  Interpersonal intelligence ("people smart")

  • Oprah Winfrey

  • Dr. Joyce Brothers

  • Ronald Reagan

  • Dale Carnegie

·        Person to person contact and relationships found in pairing, grouping, and cooperative team work.

·        The ability to verbally as well as non- verbally interact with people or groups of people and takes leadership roles.

·        The ability to perceive and make distinctions in the moods, intentions, motivations, and feelings of other people.

·        The ability to understand and interact effectively with other people.

·        Talkative, social behavior 

ACTIVITIES Polite English - English roles in business


Group Work

Role Playing

Speaking - Dialogues

6.  Intrapersonal intelligence ("self smart")

  • Eleanor Roosevelt

  • Plato

  • Helen Keller

  • Joan of Arc

  • Charles Lindbergh



·     Knowledge and understanding of oneself—regarding feelings, emotions, thinking, self-reflection, and metacognitive skills.  

·      The ability to set personal goals, work alone, and have a clear sense of direction in life.

·       An accurate picture of one's strengths and limitations; an awareness of inner moods, intentions, motivations and desires.

·        Intuition about what they learn and how the learning relates to themselves.

·        Feelings, values, and attitudes.




Scavenger hunts


Online tests

Personality Tests


7.  Naturalist intelligence ("nature smart")


  • Jacques Cousteau

  • Charles Darwin

  • John Audubon

  • Rachel Carson

  • Lewis & Clark

  • John Muir

  • Sacajawea

·        The ability to recognize and classify plants—all varieties of flora and fauna, rocks and minerals, and animals. 

·        The ability to recognize cultural artifacts such as cars or shoes and the environment around oneself.

·        The ability to notice appearances, sounds, textures, and characteristics of natural objects and environments.

·        Skills in recognizing and classifying artifacts.






Ten Questions

  • I need to plant a garden. What questions should I answer?

  • What evidence do we have of global warming?

  • I’m taking a tour of South America. (Ask me questions.)

Virtual Tours


8.  Existential intelligence (deep question smart)



My son is not doing well in school/ What should I be asking myself?


9.  Verbal/Linguistic intelligence (word smart)


  • Churchill

  • Martin Luther King, Jr.

  • Aesop

  • Louisa May Alcott

  • Shakespeare

  • Robert Frost

  • Avi

  • Dr. Seuss

  • Beverly Cleary

·        Skillful use of language and words including anything associated with complex thought possibilities such as reading, writing, abstract reasoning, and symbolic speaking.  

·        Skillful listening and enjoyment of speaking in public, reading, spelling correctly, and writing.

·        A good memory for names and dates, and  a strong vocabulary. 

·        The ability to manipulate the syntax or structure of language and phonology or sounds of language.

·        Sensitivity to the meaning of words and order among words.

·        Sensitivity to the rhythms, inflections, and sounds of words. Sensitivity to the rhetorical aspects of language; language can be used to inform, please, stimulate, persuade, excite, etc.


Story Telling

Listen & Read Along - The God of His Fathers
A short story by Jack London, an American writer.


Beginning -




  • Language is linked both to culture and individual expression. It is not a static thing to memorize and repeat. It requires meaning, context, and cultural sensitivity.

  • People learn in ways that both personally and culturally defined. The more variety in activities, the greater the chance of learning. Once something is learned one way, it can be fun to learn it another way.

  • People are likely to operate through several intelligences. Have them work together.

  • People who are having fun are learning. So have fun.


Copy/paste/reformat (Cloze, pictures/ reword)

Drag items

Save pages offline

Use W, PP, or other to draw boxes, cut,  etc... show students


5.  GOOGLE SEARCHES (Your turn) (10 min)

  • basic ESL games

  • music activities for ESL

  • kinesthetic activities for ESL

  • science for ESL

  • math for ESL

  • easy stories for ESL

  • maps/addresses/phones

  • virtual tours

  • easy riddles

  • easy jokes

  • lyrics (lots of pop-ups)

6.  SITES TO EXPLORE (15 minutes)

LINCS CNN stories with activities